Concert of new age music in Second Life

But Taylor told the Western Morning News she had subsequently hired an online private detective to track his activities: "He never did anything in real life, but I had my suspicions about what he was doing in Second Life." iSecond Life affair ends in divorce - CNN.com
Pollard admitted having an online relationship with a "girl in America" but denied wrongdoing. "We weren't even having cyber sex or anything like that, we were just chatting and hanging out together," he told the Western Morning News.
Taylor is now in a new relationship with a man she met in the online roleplaying game World of Warcraft.
truth trainers on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Interested in running or helping out with an event for Gender Freedom Day on December 21?
Come join us in the Salon Room in Extropia, noon this Saturday, November 8, to plan and coordinate grid-wide events!
We’re particularly working for a nonprofit group working in the field of gender/sexual orientation freedom and civil rights that’s active in SL to work with us, and to be the beneficiary of our 12 hour fundraiser dance party.
If you’re affiliated with a group, or know of a group, who might be interested in sponsoring activities that day, and in getting some $Linden love in return, please post a comment with the group name *and a contact person*
So far, we’ve had a complete failure of response from the organizations we’ve contacted. We’re hoping that’s a shortcoming of our network, and not a sign of lack of commitment to fight discrimination in digital worlds.
Let’s get that turned around, get some good support from established activists, and put on a terrific day of positive, high-visibility events celebrating diversity in SL and other digital worlds!