SecondLife_Me_and_My_New_Husband.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x348 pixels)
Yes people do get married in Second Life
Blogged with the Flock Browser
SecondLife_Me_and_My_New_Husband.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x348 pixels)
thank you :)
Posted 3 months ago. ( permalink )
love it <3 Kisses XXX
Posted 3 months ago. ( permalink )
wonderful aggressive woman!
Posted 3 months ago. ( permalink )
Just a pic of me - GOP Cafe in Second Life
Armed Forces Day USO Dance - GOP Cafe in Second Life
Not sure if this looks any different?
Just a pic of me - GOP Cafe in Second Life
Just a pic of me - GOP Cafe in Second Life
Just a pic of me - GOP Cafe in Second Life
First off after having spent a year at Microsoft I quickly found that the bashing that I expected to happen there didn’t happen the same way. It was much more open than I expected. A lot of smart people were around me and I quickly made personal goals to one day become a full time employee, a blue badger.Share the Point: Microsoft, G-word, and Apple – How firm is your IT faith? - SharePoint Joel's SharePoint Land
Microsoft, G-word, and Apple – How firm is your IT faith? - SharePoint Joel's SharePoint Land
Absinthe Primrose says:
You find the neatest things!!! Always much fun to check out your flickr stream.
Posted 4 months ago. ( permalink )